• Elders/Pastors: Stefan Matzal, Nathaniel Jackson
• Deacons: Steve George, Roanne Holland, Peter Irvine, Bob Ostrander
• Worship Leaders: Bill Finch (Committee Chairman), Rob Stewart, Pete Morrissey.
Stefan Matzal
Stefan has been blessed to be the husband of Sarah for more than thirty years; the Lord has entrusted them with four children (who are beginning to fly the coop). Stefan has been one of the pastors of Trinity Fellowship since 2001. His philosophy of pastoral ministry emphasizes, among other things, the authority and relevance of Scripture, and the importance of pastoral love and prayer for the congregation. Stefan's undergraduate degree is from Bucknell University. He holds the Master of Divinity and the Master of Theology from Baptist Bible Seminary, Clarks Summit, PA; and the Doctor of Practical Theology from McMaster Divinity College. In addition to his local pastoral ministry, Stefan writes theology for the broader church, especially for other pastors and theologians. He has published articles on 2 Samuel 4, Ezra 3, and Ezra 4-6 in the peer-reviewed journal Vetus Testamentum. Stefan is a member of the Evangelical Theological Society and the Evangelical Homiletics Society.

Nathaniel Jackson
Nathaniel is a native of Syracuse and grew up attending Trinity Fellowship. He obtained a degree in history from Colgate University, where he captained the soccer team. He spent a year working at His Mansion Ministries before pursuing teaching. He has an M.A. in History and NYS Certification in High School Social Studies.
In 2008, he traveled to England to study at Cornhill Training Course in London. Completing the course in one year, Nathaniel spent a second year working at a London-area church, Christ Church Bromley, before returning to the US. Nathaniel was ordained an elder in Trinity Fellowship in 2011. He is married to Abigail, and they have six children. Abi served as the church administrator at Christ Church Bromley, in England, and is now a full-time homemaker.