The core value of our church is Jesus Christ. Reading the four Gospels, we marvel at the unique character of Jesus: humility and confidence, power and compassion, all reverberating in a single individual. Reading the New Testament, we discover the meaning of Jesus’ death: in our place, for our sins. Reading the entire Bible, we understand that Jesus is the long-promised king: the King of Israel who draws to himself people from every nation and ethnic group. Never in human history did God reveal himself more clearly than through the person of his Son, Jesus Christ. We welcome you to follow Christ together with us in community.
Our Worship Service is held 1235 Old Stonehouse Road, Jamesville, NY 13078
Take 481 to Exit 2 at Jamesville Road, go north a few hundred feet and turn left at the traffic signal onto Nottingham Road. At the top of the hill, as it curves to the right, turn left onto Old Stonehouse Road. Enter the parking lot on the left.
Or you can take Rt. 81 south to Brighton Ave Exit 17, turn right at the traffic signal onto South State St, then right at the next signal onto East Colvin St, then head east until you come to Nottingham Road, then turn right. Go about 1/2 mile and turn right onto Old Stonehouse Road, and left into the church parking lot.